Crelate Deliver


Accurate timekeeping is the cornerstone of your staffing business. Don’t leave it to chance or memory that your workforce is going to get it right.
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Crelate’s new Timekeeping features provide you an easy, integrated, and mobile-first process for tracking, submitting, and managing time.
mobile app, invoice

Connector Mobile App

Help employees on assignment track time on the go with the Crelate mobile app; employees can enter hours from their mobile phone, without the need for a computer.
Timecards are automatically submitted to onsite managers for review and approval, minimizing time-tracking mistakes and time fraud.
Timecard errors can be highlighted to employees by message within the mobile app, so they can correct and resubmit their hours for approval.

Expense management

Remove the burden of timecard approval. Once approved by an onsite manager, timecards are routed to your Crelate desktop for payment.

Automated alerts call attention to unsubmitted timecards, ensuring employees don’t miss a submittal and miss a paycheck, and helping you keep payments up to date.
Easily reimburse employee expenses within their Crelate mobile app. Convert expenditures into payable and billable items, and easily compensate employees.
A screenshot of a dashboard displaying various data.

Charge codes

Unique charge codes for specific jobs ensure easy time tracking, however you manage it.


Charge code tracking allows users to bill and pay time appropriately, efficiently, and without manual rework in a separate system


Pay Rules

Our Pay Rules Engine offers enhanced Timekeeping and Billing functionality through:

Customizable Bill/Pay rate changes based on defined hour and/or day thresholds.
Coverage of various use cases such as daily/weekly overtime rate adjustments, weekend rates, and placement-specific rates.
Increased flexibility for customers to adapt their billing and payment structures according to their specific needs.

Ready to see Crelate in action?

Schedule a demo with one of our expert
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