Crelate Integrations - HelloSign
Effortless eSignatures with HelloSign and Crelate.
HelloSign provides an easy-to-use solution for companies to send documents for signatures online, track the progress of requests, and get documents signed directly from their device in a safer and faster way than pen and paper. It is trusted by millions of users and recognized as a leading eSignature solution by analyst firms.
An eSignature (electronic signature) lets people sign documents online, instead of using pen and paper. eSignature is widely recognized as legally binding in the European Union, the UK, the United States, Canada, and many other areas of the world.
HelloSign provides out-of-the-box integrations with Salesforce, Oracle, Dropbox, Microsoft and many more. In addition, HelloSign comes with powerful administrative controls so businesses can manage access, storage, and permissions.
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Book a demo today for a guided tour to learn more about Crelate and HelloSign.