Crelate Integrations - Interseller

Find email addresses and send automated emails with Interseller and Crelate.
Interseller allows you to find email addresses and send automated emails in one integrated platform.
The Interseller Chrome extension allows you to add contacts directly into sequences. With the click of a button you can find a contact’s work email, add them to your email sequence, and sync them to your connected service with all their company info. Find the email addresses of individuals using just their name and website, or verify an email address is correct. Interseller uses several algorithms and APIs to provide the most advanced email lookup on the market.
The tool also allows you to schedule a customized sequence of emails that will be sent to a list of contacts. Emails stop sending automatically once the contact replies. Interseller connects with your Gmail, Outlook, Exchange or IMAP server to send one-on-one emails to your contacts so they land directly in their inbox.
Personalize all of your emails using data from contacts such as name, company, and title or add your own custom fields. Messages to contacts can be customized on an individual basis to provide even more personalization when needed.
Connect your CRM or ATS directly to Interseller to keep all your contacts and communication up to date and prevent reaching out to existing contacts.
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